anglophonia Translations Bergisch Gladbach near Cologne, Germany - translation of financial and legal documents – from English into German and vice versa
anglophonia is specialised in the translation of financial and legal documents – from English into German and vice versa
Iris Schlagheck-Weber - Für die Gerichte und Staatsanwaltschaften des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen durch den Präsidenten des Oberlandesgerichts Köln ermächtigte Übersetzerin für die englische Sprache

About anglophonia

After doing my A-levels and then completing a commercial apprenticeship, I was trained as a foreign-language correspondent for English and French before commencing my training as a translator of English. In 1998 I qualified with distinction as a state-certified translator for English and attained certification by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court in early 1999 and the Cologne Higher Regional Court in 2003.

Since 1999 I have worked as a translator both as an employee and freelance, including at a number of international commercial law firms. As a result I have broad experience as a legal and financial translator.

Iris Schlagheck-Weber - Für die Gerichte und Staatsanwaltschaften des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen durch den Präsidenten des Oberlandesgerichts Köln ermächtigte Übersetzerin für die englische Sprache
Iris Schlagheck-Weber

Subject areas

Contracts, e.g.:
Employment contracts
Licence agreements
ale and purchase agreements
Partnership agreements
Confidentiality agreements
Supply contracts
Joint venture agreements
Cooperation agreements
Production agreements
Agency agreements etc.
Due diligence reports
Terms and conditions of business
Commercial correspondence
Legal correspondence
Court judgments
Articles of incorporation/ company constitutions
Extracts from the register of companies
Monthly reports
Certificates (birth, marriage)
Reports/ references (school reports, employers’ references, examination reports, diplomas and degrees)

I also offer proof-reading of pre-completed translations as needed.
Fachübersetzungen für Recht, Wirtschaft, Industrie und für Unternehmen